Our Services and Fees

Free Clinical Consultation

You can book a 15 minute free phone consultation

Book Your Appointment With Us Here

Individual Pre-Autism Diagnostic Support

You will receive a personalised wellness check and personalised support while you await your autism diagnosis.

90 mins |  £150  

Online Autism and Neurodiversity Screening Assessment

An online screening questionnaire must be completed prior to a one-on-one online professional assessment. Once processed, a letter indicating the outcome and signposting to appropriate organisations will be sent to you and your GP.

60-90 minutes  |  £150

Multi-Disciplinary Triage

(Including holistic nursing, medical, social and psychological assessment)

Health Equality Framework Assessment, Screening and Triage

This is a holistic assessment to determine any other factors contributing to concerns regarding a need for an autism assessment. This is a multi-disciplinary assessment providing a comprehensive Health Equality and Nursing Framework Assessment. The output of this assessment will include a completed NHS England “My Health and Care Passport” and nursing/medical report with Health Action and Care Plans. This assessment will determine the next steps in the autism assessment pathway and be led by a senior clinical decision-maker. Report Summary provided.

180 Minutes |  £300

Family and Organisation Autism Education Support (pre-autism diagnosis)

A session delivered to the school, college, university or organisation on how to support an individual who is awaiting an autism assessment. Training and advice provided around the individual with an exploration of reasonable adjustments in line with the Autism Act 2009 and the Equality Act 2010.

120 Minutes |  £195

Diagnostic Assessment

A multi-disciplinary approach in assessing both autism and a range of neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions that can commonly be presented or co-occur with autism. There are two pathways for the autism and ADHD assessment.

Standard Adult Autism Assessment

The assessment is undertaken in a clinical ‘interview’ format.

(including a full report)  |  £790

Enhanced Autism Assessment

In the instance of suspected co-existing autism and other neurodiverse conditions, a more involved assessment is recommended. This includes at least two clinical interviews, two episodes of behavioural observation, the use of various and enhanced tools for assessment, intellectual functioning assessment, sensory processing assessment, and interviews with siblings, partners, or friends.

(including a full report) |  £1520


Post Autism Assessment Support (Individual and Organisation)

This short term support will help you gain an enhanced understanding of your strengths as an autistic person and explore practical support strategies.

60 Minute Session  |  £90


Full Combined Diagnostic Assessment of Autism and ADHD (Adult or Child)

(including a full report)  |  £1950

(including a full report)  |  £2050

Full Diagnostic Assessment of ADHD (Adult or Child)

(including a full report)  |  £750

(including a full report)  |  £850